Add products automatically to Shopify collections with Product Metafields

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Shopify released several useful updates a few weeks ago. Now it is possible to fill e-store collections and categories with products using even more precise automation. Previously, a similar solution was product tags, but they had several shortcomings and bottlenecks.

If you don't know exactly what metafields mean on the Shopify platform, our previous The posts provide a good overview.

Let's get down to business and take a closer look at what changed and was added.

How to enable creation of collections based on metafields?

If you already use metafields to manage product information, their values ​​will not be automatically added to the collection automation conditions. You will need to manually enable the collection condition for each metafield management.

You can easily do this as follows.

Go to your online store In the admin view, go to Settings →Custom data→select “Products”→select a specific metafield→add a checkmark to “Automated collections” under “Access options”.

Video guide:

Adding a collection automation condition

Now that you have granted access to metafield data for automated collections, you can start adding or modifying conditions. You can modify existing automated collections as well as create new ones.

The following video shows how to automate collections based on metafield data.

How to change metafield data for multiple products at once?

Shopify has an easy way to change metafield values ​​for many products at once, which many merchants may not know about.

By selecting multiple products in the product management and going to the “Bulk edit” view, you can also edit the metafields of all selected products at once. Watch the video for more details.

Feel free to let us know if you have any questions about metafields or Shopify in general. We'll be happy to help.

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