Our service

We have been making Shopify e-shops and apps for over 7 years and have offered consultations to numerous merchants about this platform.

We focus solely on one platform and help our customers make the most out of Shopify. You can ask us to create a new online store for you from scratch or migrate an old store from other platforms to Shopify.

Our most popular projects have recently been migrations from old platforms to Shopify. The old platform often does not offer needed functionality or is just too outdated.


10 years of e-commerce experience 

We have been working with different kinds of e-commerce software platforms and supporting services. Six years ago, we decided to focus entirely on the Shopify platform for the following five reasons:

  • Shopify is a reliable and proven platform where developers and merchants don’t have to worry about software update conflicts on a daily basis.
  • The platform provides 24-hour support to the merchant and the agency does not have to worry about urgent issues of the merchant.
  • Shopify is based on modern web technology and offers developers exciting ways to build new features and powerful apps to extend platform features.
  • The business model of the Shopify platform directs e-commerce software development agencies to provide high-quality and sustainable service.
  • The Shopify ecosystem allows the agency to earn extra income by developing paid apps or themes. Managing created apps and collecting monthly fees is made easy for the app creator.

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