Shopify asks you to choose a package when creating an online store, but this is often quite difficult for a merchant just starting an online store.
You have to compare a long list of options and wonder what half of these functionalities even include. In addition, there are Shopify Plus and Shopify Lite versions, the description of which can be quite confusing.
What should you mainly consider?
In fact, Basic Shopify offers In most cases, the package provides enough e-shop functionality, and for the sake of simplicity, it's worth leaving the comparison of options aside. If Basic really isn't enough, you can always easily switch to a Shopify plan later.
Instead, you should focus on comparing the cost of Shopify packages.
Not everyone may notice right away, but the following line appears in the package comparison table "Additional fees using all payment providers other than Shopify Payments".
Shopify charges a merchant a surcharge of 0.5 - 2% of the total order amount for each order, depending on the package.
Choose a Shopify plan based on your e-store's annual turnover.
We created a small table that illustrates the reasonableness of switching to a Shopify e-store package starting from a certain annual e-store turnover.

From the table it can be concluded that the merchant should change Shopify basic package Shopify plan against if he/she Annual turnover is over €60,000 or permanently over €5,000 per month.
Advanced Shopify The plan becomes profitable for the merchant if his online store annual turnover arrives 525,000 euros, or ~43,000 euros in monthly turnover.