Seisuk e-shop development

Seisuk is the only company in Estonia that specializes in standing desks. Seisuk sells beautiful, high-quality office furniture designed to create a healthy and ergonomic workplace where everyone can feel and do their best. They understand that there is no one right way to work.

Sitting rigidly in one position for 8 hours at an office desk is a thing of the past, and we know it. In the Seisuki online store, you will find everything you need to create a perfect ergonomic workplace.

Shopify e-store

Seisuk has created separate e-stores for all of its main markets, which helps target customers more precisely according to the market specifics and builds trust. Seisuk has four e-stores in total , , and , which use a similar user interface and design.

Our last major project was to create a modern and completely custom user interface for Seiuki. The e-shop frontend was created according to the designs created by our partner agency.

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