Kuidas luua ja hallata Shopify e-poe kollektsiooni filtreid?

Shopify collection filters with metafields and without an extra app?

We all know how difficult it is to find the right product from the infinitely long categories of an e-shop with bigger product collections. At the same time, with a convenient collection filtering solution, you...
Paranda kasutajakogemust blokeerides probleemsed brauserid

Improve Shopify store user experience by blocking old browser versions

We have been developing e-commerce sites for years now and to our surprise, there are still a considerable amount of people who are using outdated browsers. You might receive strange emails from them where they...
Shopify metafields uuendus, toote lisa atribuutide haldus lihtsustus

How to use Shopify metafields?

At Shopify Unite 2021, which took place at the end of June, Shopify introduced a number of exciting updates that will be added to the e-commerce platform during 2021. Let’s take a look at the...
EU käibemaksu muudatused alates 1.juulist 2021 ja vastavad Shopfiy seadistused

What do you need to know about the latest EU VAT regulation changes?

he EU VAT change, which enters into force on 01.07.2021, affects to a greater or lesser extent all e-shops that are serving European customers. Fortunately, Shopify has simplified your life, and the functionalities required by the...
Kuidas Shopify e-poes luua kliendigruppe ja protsendi põhiseid allahindluseid?

How to create customer groups in Shopify store and set a percentage discount for it?

Unfortunately, Shopify’s default functionality does not yet offer customer group-based automatic discounts but allows you to create customer groups (segments) and group (segments) based discount codes. You just have to take into account that the...
Erinevate käibemaksude seadistamine Shopify e-poes

Setting up tax exeptions in Shopify

The main VAT rate in Estonia is 20%, but there are exceptions. For example, books, magazines, accommodation and certain medicines are currently subject to a 9% VAT rate. You can find more detailed information on...
Lihtsusta Shopify e-poe SEO halduse osas oma elu

Great free SEO management app for your Shopify store

We have used the free version of Smart SEO to create and manage several e-shops and it is a really good helper. Many time-consuming activities are grouped into one app. It’s an app that helps...
Kuidas Eesti Shopify e-pood luua ja millele kindlasti mõelda?

How to create an Estonian Shopify e-store and what to consider?

Creating a Shopify e-store is advertised online as one of the easiest ways to get started with e-commerce. However, there are always a number of questions that arise when getting started. How do I get...
Kuidas valida õige Shopify e-poe paket?

How to choose right Shopify plan for your store

Shopify asks you to choose a package when creating an online store, but this is often quite difficult for a merchant just starting an online store. You have to compare a long list of options...
Liitu Shopify teemalise uudiskirjaga

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Alustame sellest suvest oma väikese Shopify teemalise uudiskirjaga, mis ilmub kord kvartalis ehk meie plaan ei ole igapäevaselt sind infoga pommitada. Uudiskiri sisaldab: Kokkuvõte Shopify platvormi uuendustest  ja lähituleviku suundadest. Ülevaade huvitavast ja kasuliku lisafunksionaalsust pakkuvast app’ist. Hästi tehtud ja kasutajasõbraliku...

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