Shopify Payments on Eesti kaupmeeste jaoks saadaval

Shopify Payments is now available in Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania

Baltic merchants can now start using Shopify Payments. This is very useful for merchants exporting to other EU countries or North America.
Pulsev omab nüüd Shopify Select Partner taset

Pulsev is now Shopify Select Partner

In early 2025, Shopify introduced a revamped partner program and we were awarded certified Shopify Select Partner status.
Directo Shopify liides ja andmevahetus

Directo Shopify integration and data exchange

As a business grows, the question often arises of how to handle the increased workload more efficiently and which activities can be automated. An increase in the volume of e-shop orders is always good news,...
Kuidas seadistada Eesti Shopify e-poe checkout?

How to set up checkout for an Estonian Shopify e-store?

Two important functionalities are needed for successful sales of goods in Estonia and our neighboring countries – payment with a bank link and delivery to parcel machines. Over 80% of orders, the customer wants to...
Kiire B2B hulgimüügi e-poe loomine Shopify abil

Quickly create a B2B wholesale e-store with Shopify

Shopify has invested heavily in wholesale or B2B e-shop functionality over the past few years. The Plus version of the platform already includes several solutions necessary to create a functioning wholesale ordering environment. We have created...
Shopify Eesti makseviiside võrdlus

Shopify Baltic payment processor comparison

Baltic payment methods are currently offered by three service providers on the Shopify platform – MakeCommerce (Maksekeskus), OPAY and Paysera. OPAY is the newest for Latvia and Estonia markets, while they have been offering payment...
Shopify toote URLide tõlkimine

Shopify URL handles can now be translated

Shopify released an update a few days ago and now all Shopify merchants can translate the URLs of  their e-store Products, Collections, Pages and Blog posts. More specifically, the slug/handle part of the URL can...
Inbanki maksemoodul Shopify kaupmeestele

Inbank payment module for Shopify merchants

Inbank launched a new payment app on the Shopify platform to offer merchants using Shopify added value and the opportunity to grow their sales and customer base. The Payment Solutions app allows online stores to...
Saada pakke Tšehhi, Slovakkia, Ungari ja Rumeenia pakiautomaatidese

Send packages to parcel machines in the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Hungary and Romania

Packeta started a service some time ago that delivers parcels directly from Estonia to parcel lockers in Central Europe. Packeta has one of the largest parcel locker networks in the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Hungary and...
GA4 ehk Google Analytics 4 Shopify e-poes nüüd saadaval

GA4 or Google Analytics 4 now available in Shopify e-store

Google will retire Universal Analytics in July 2023 and replace it with Google Analytics 4 (GA4), Google's next-generation measurement solution. Universal Analytics will continue to collect data until July 2023, and data will be available...

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